AS Hearum is a new name for RTE Torutööd. We have been operating in the field of technical building systems since 1996.
Our new logo and name symbolize the movement of energy and its sustainable and efficient use throughout the life cycle of a building.
AS Hearum belongs to Rand & Tuulberg Group.
In 2020, energy efficiency requirements for buildings will change in Europe, this means that more attention
will be paid to solutions for technical systems. We want to be ready for this and become the best partner in this field.
The cornerstone of the success of our projects is partnership with the customer. We know that things and needs may
change in the course of work. We are ready for that. We hear, we consider and we’ll find the best solution.
Because we believe that positive cooperation during construction ensures the highest quality.
Energy efficiency
• Efficient use of energy is the best way to save money
• We can provide the most modern solutions
• Efficient and sustainable energy use is beneficial to nature